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The Creative Space of Natalie Krill 

I'm A Sucker For a Sad Song

I have always been so curious about my feelings. Although, in order to cope I spent quite some time pushing them away. Then when I started to discover them buried within, I became increasingly fascinated and oh so determined to learn about them all.

I’m a sucker for a sad song

Rip my heart out

I want you to 

Make me cry

Make me feel

I can handle it

I’m a sucker for a sad song

I want to feel your sorrow

Sing your voice into my soul

Unlock the trappings

Unlock something divine

Show me God

I’m not afraid to show you my heart

I’ll show you my tears, my fears

I’ll show you my rage

You see the sweet

I’ll show you the darkness

I’ll show you the pain

Let’s just be humans together

Let’s feel the things, the tings, the pings and pangs

Let’s feel our hearts and not lie about it to our face

I’m a sucker for a sad song

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