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The Creative Space of Natalie Krill 

The Fight For The Light

I used to punish myself for having dark days. I would feel like I needed to do more to be positive or happy. But when I realized that it is perfectly normal to travel through the darkness, I truly befriended myself and began to look at those dark days with respect and love.

I used to punish myself for having dark days. I would feel like I needed to do more to be positive or happy. But when I realized that it is perfectly normal to travel through the darkness, I truly befriended myself and began to look at those dark days with respect and love.

Thank you Thank You Thank You

I repeat to myself

To drown out the sounds that try to pull me down

Some days it's easy to see

The light in me

Some days it's dark and spikey

And hard to see

I know I have a choice

But why is it so hard

To choose the light some days

But maybe...

Does the dark need it's time too?

Is it possible to be light all the time?

No, I don't think so

Just like the days and nights

And the seasons

I too have cycles

I too have my internal days and nights

When I sit with my darkness

I feel such a power

She does scare me a little

She doesn't like to be pushed away

She feels my fear and I think that makes her sad

When I sit with her I see and feel her power

Sure maybe it feels like anger

Sure maybe it feels like sadness

But I discovered something new about this darkness

It's creative

It has a creative power tenfold

So I sit and I paint

I pour the darkness out of me and onto the page

What happens is the most beautiful marriage of energies

I feel the dark and the light together dancing

Like a fire burning bright in the night sky

I no longer feel it is a fight for the light but rather a dance with the dark

I take her by the hand and dance the wild darkness into the light

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